Friday, October 14, 2011

JSP Aptech All demo - Bài tập tổng hợp JSP i10

Create data tabe Users(ID, Pass, Name,Address)
1. Create Home.jsp page
a. At header of page display Server information
b. Has to links Register and Enter
c. At the footer display Client Address and Client Accept language.
2. Create SignIn.jsp
a. Using Servlet check user exists
i. If yes direct to listAllEmployees.jsp
ii. If no direct to Login.jsp
3.Create register.jsp
a. Using JSTL to insert user to data base ().
4.Create custom tag listUser to display all of users, Create list.jsp page call this custom tag to display all data into webbrowser
5.Create static function return detail of Employees with id input by user.
6.Create filter to deny access to listAllEmployees.jsp form outside server.

Download ở đây Lab11_All_in_One

Monday, October 3, 2011

JSTL - set:datasource, sql:query, sql:update, sql:param, sql:transaction

Trong phần demo này tôi hướng dẫn các xây dựng 4 chức năng cơ bản của một website với jsp
Using JSTL
1. SQL tag library to manage employees
a. insert, delete, update and add new
b. manage user transaction
2. Using EL to check input data and display data.
a. c:if
b. c:forEach

This demo has some pages
1. Home.jsp
2. List.jsp
3. Insert.jsp
4. Edit.jsp
5. Transaction.jsp

Home.jsp has interface as

This is interface of list.jsp page

Download ở đây
